Enter ur photos into my "Draw-A-Follower" contest which will run monthly from the 1st to the 10th. One of my lucky followers will be chosen to be sketched for free. On the 11th the winner will be emailed and notified on Twitter.

Send 1 per person to and be sure to follow me on twitter... @mrc2u2....

About Me

My photo
Stan “Cortez” Cooper, born January 18, 1974. He was born into a family of many talents such as music, art, designing, and carpentry. He began to discover his talents as an artist around the age of 6; teachers began to encourage to him to stay with drawing after noticing his “none stick figured” drawings during art time. Stan quickly drew the attention of other teachers which led to other projects and activities in school. Throughout the years he would enter contests and place in the top three each time which pushed him into higher brackets with older artists. In his 12th grade year he went to state with a drawing called “legs” that came from a photo out of the GQ magazine. He placed first in region and 14th in state out of over 300 participants. Art became more than just a hobby for him which led him to attend art school with the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Stan is now pursuing a career as a freelance graphic designer and illustrator.